SASSY Architecture is a practice of combining two seemingly incompatible worldviews. The first one is based on non-contradiction and supports the vision for an ACE enterprise (Agile, Coherent, Efficient), through 3E enterprise descriptions (Expressive, Extensible, Executable), achieving “3 for the price of 1”: Enterprise Architecture, Governance, and Data Integration.
The second is based on self-reference and is a way of seeing enterprises as topologies of paradoxical decisions. Such a way of thinking helps deconstruct constraints to unleash innovation, reveal hidden dependencies in the decisions network, and avoid patterns of decisions limiting future options.
As a short overview, here are the slides from my talk at the Enterprise Architecture Summer School in Copenhagen last week.
You can download the slides from SlideShare but you can’t see the animations there and they can help in getting more of the story. To see the animations, play the presentation on YouTube (just animated slides, no voice-over).
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Productive Paradoxes in Projects
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